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The Finnish Asthma and Allergy Programmes
– Educational series on the Finnish experience 

The Finnish Asthma and Allergy Programmes were large, national campaigns that spanned altogether over three decades and had a significant impact on the way asthma and allergies are managed in Finland today. This educational series aims to convey the knowledge and outcomes derived from the Finnish experience, empowering healthcare professionals in the management and prevention of asthma and allergic diseases.

The series consists of seven topics, each dedicated to exploring specific themes within the programmes. Each topic features a video interview with Finnish experts discussing the theme and answering intriguing questions from their international expert colleagues. Moreover, accompanying each video is an article that digs deeper into the scientific data and offers practical tips on applying learnings from these programmes to clinical practice. Explore the contents below and discover new ideas for managing asthma and allergies!

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EPISODE 1: The Finnish Asthma and Allergy Programmes – history and overview

EPISODE 2: The Finnish experience in mitigating the burden of asthma

EPISODE 3: Key aspects of diagnostics in asthma: the Finnish perspective

EPISODE 4: The Finnish approach to asthma treatment

EPISODE 5: Education of healthcare professionals: a vital step in implementing new practices 

EPISODE 6: Harnessing immune tolerance in the fight against allergies and asthma

EPISODE 7: Allergy programme: a sequel to the successful asthma programme


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RESP-1483(1) 12/2023